Kobble Creek Camping

Middle Kobble Creek Camp, Kobble Creek Queensland 4520

Part farmland and part National Park, Kobble Creek is north of Brisbane and has three walk-in only camping areas including Middle Kobble Creek, North Kobble Creek and South Kobble Creek.

Middle Kobble Creek Camp is the most popular of them all as is it the only one that is signposted.

North Kobble Creek Camp is in an open eucalypt forest and the walk there is along unmarked trails and steep terrain, so you will need to be physically fit and have reasonable bushwalking and navigating experience to tackle the hike.

South Kobble Creek Bush Camp is also set in open forest and is set off unmarked trails best suited for experience bushwalkers and navigators.

There are no facilities at these camps, so always remember to pack the essentials.
Find out more via the Queensland National Parks website here.

    Experiences you can enjoy:

    • Adventure
    • Nature & Wildlife
    • Experience is free

    Activities you can engage in:

    • Camping
    • Hiking
    • Walks