Underwood Park

912-930 Underwood Road, Priestdale Queensland 4127

When you visit Underwood Park, it’s easy to forget you’re still in the city.

Stroll along the boardwalk by the lagoon, picnic under the trees or gazebos, or simply kick back and relax. There’s plenty to keep the kids busy, including the renowned FUNderwood Hollow playground, designed for children aged five to 16 years.

It features a ‘Peter Pan’ feel, with castle-themed towers high above the ground. The park has skate and BMX facilities, nearby mountain bike trails, a huge dog off-leash area, and an on-site coffee van. The park also hosts regular weekend and twilight markets.

  • Barbeque
  • Carpark
  • Picnic Area
  • Public Toilet
  • Disabled access available, contact operator for details.

Experiences you can enjoy:

  • Family
  • Nature & Wildlife
  • Experience is free

Activities you can engage in:

  • Birdwatching
  • Cycling
  • Walks
  • Hiking