UQ Marks-Hirschfeld Museum of Medical History

288 Herston Road, UQ Mayne Medical School, Herston Queensland 4006

The UQ Marks-Hirschfeld Museum of Medical History houses one of the finest collections of medical memorabilia and medical and surgical instruments in Australia.

The collection includes significant instruments and equipment relevant to the growth and development of medicine such as a nineteenth century carbolic spray (used for antisepsis during surgery), a copy of the apparatus Wilhelm Roentgen used to discover X-rays in 1895, medical drawings made in the Changii POW camp during World War II and the ECG readings of astronauts aboard the Gemini 7 space mission.

The museum serves scholars and researchers as well as visitors and forms a focus on the medical past which brings a better perspective to the present.

The Museum stages at least one topical exhibition annually and produces a Newsletter three times per year. They also cater for small group tours by appointment. For further information about their upcoming exhibitions or if you would like to receive their Newsletter, please email them or phone them on Tuesday or Thursday mornings.

  • Cafe
  • Carpark
  • Public Toilet
  • Disabled access available, contact operator for details.

Experiences you can enjoy:

  • Family
  • History & Heritage
  • Experience is free